Hellenic Open University


Rector & Vice Rectors


Professor Emmanouil Koutouzis

Vice Rector for Research and Innovation

Professor  Athanasios Michiotis

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Outreach

Professor  Panagiotis Kagialis

Vice Rector of Infrastructure and Finance

Professor Efthimios Zervas

Vice Rector of Student Affairs

Professor Vasileios Verykios

Scientific profile

Schools & Departments

Website: https://www.eap.gr/education/sae/
Tel: 2610 367688

Website: https://www.eap.gr/education/sthet/
Tel: 2610 367540-42

Website: https://www.eap.gr/education/ske/
Tel: 2610367452

International Degrees


Find your Master's from a wide range of international postgraduate programs offered by Hellenic Open University.


Language Education for Refugees and Migrants
The Hellenic Open University and its journey


MA “Language Education for Refugees and Migrants” – Call for Applications
Msc “Precision Medicine and Novel Therapies” – OPEN HOUSE
Masters of the Week: Professors Dimitrios Thanos and Maria Hadjinicolaou on the MSc in Precision Medicine and Novel Therapies (PRETH) at HOU
Masters of the Week: Assoc. Professor Nikolaos Kourniatis on the Msc in Interaction Generative Design at HOU
Language Education for Refugees and Migrants (LRM) – Call for Applications
Masters of the Week: Professor Stelios Zerefos on the MSc in Protection of Cultural Heritage and Monuments of Nature from the Effects of Climate Change at HOU


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