On 9/11, Democritus University of Thrace and Europe Direct Eastern Macedonia and Thrace coorganized the “Prospects of internationalization at DUTH” conference.
During the event, the Project Manager of Study in Greece Prof. Christos Michalakelis had the opportunity to present SiG’s strategy and vision, as well as to highlight the wide variety of SiG’s actions and initiatives that boost the international visibility of the Greek Universities.
We would like to thank the organizers for their warm reception at this important event.
Special thanks to the president of State Scholarships Foundation Mr. Koutsilieris, and to the Vice-Rector of DUTH Ms. Maria Michalopoulou for moderating the discussion.
It was a successful beginning of a series of SiG lectures aimed at raising awareness about Greek HE’s internationalization process.
More presentations are about to come in many cities around Greece.
We look forward to meeting you again!