The summer school on Human Rights Law, Policy and Practice: Britain, Greece and the EU ended in the best way with a farewell event that was held at the residence of the British Ambassador in Athens.

During the event, the British Ambassador Mr Matthew Lodge addressed greetings and congratulated the co-organizers of the Summer school for the initiative and kind cooperation which was only the starting point for many future collaborations.

Then, Professor Dimitrios Giannoulopoulos, Head of the Department of Law at Goldsmiths University of London, thanked the Greek side for the hospitality as well as the professors for the courses.

In the end, Professor Christos Michalakelis, Director of Study in Greece, emphasized once again that Greece invests a lot in extroversion and the summer schools highlight these initiatives.

The event ended with the presentation of the students’ final report, followed by a reception.
(The summer school on Human Rights Law, Policy and Practice: Britain, Greece and the EU was offered by the Department of Law at Goldsmiths University of London, in collaboration with academics from Greek universities – University of Macedonia, Harokopio University, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences – and Study in Greece)