Study in Greece (SiG) is the organization of Greek higher education institutions, dedicated to promoting internationalization of Greek higher education. Fully endorsed by the Greek state, SiG operates as a non-profit comprising representatives from all 24 Greek state universities, and is governed by a dedicated board of directors who bring knowledge and expertise from leadership positions in Greek universities.
In a rapidly changing, and challenging global landscape, there is an urgency for Greece to be engaged with the world, to attract international students, and to bring bold, brave and pioneering thinking to our greatest challenges through academic excellence and cutting-edge research.
United by our vision, we are building an ecosystem where fresh ideas and best practices can flourish and shape the field of Greek higher education. We provide a platform for informing, promoting, networking and knowledge exchange. Our activities are geared towards helping Greek universities succeed in their outreach goals. In short, we are dedicated to promoting and driving responsible international education in Greece and beyond.
Enable the sector
SiG supports Greek universities by providing them with a range of home-made digital tools and online services that help them boost their international visibility, attract more international students, expand their international partners network, and encourage their internationalization projects by facilitating connections and processes.
Inform & Promote
SiG increases awareness about study opportunities in Greece, and guarantees strong global presence of Greek universities by:
Exhibiting at international educators’ expos.
Participating in recruitment fairs around the globe.
Organizing various information and promotion events both in-person and online.
Fostering academic collaboration
SiG acts as a convener, connecting Greek universities with potential international partners.
Designs and implements international strategic partnership programs in collaboration with international organizations.
Develops and organizes workshops and trainings on partnership development, collaboration strategy, and other topics related to internationalization.
Supports Greek universities’ initiatives abroad.
Consulting & Engagement
Partnering with a network of international experts in the field, SiG:
Ιnforms decision-making within Greek higher education, providing up-to-date consulting services and insights on a wide range of topics regarding internationalization.
Εnables Greek universities identify emerging opportunities by leveraging the data insights surrounding student preference for study destinations, subject areas and disciplines.
Lets Greek universities explore the latest trends and developments in the global higher education marketplace, and get useful advice and tips on international marketing, promotion and recruitment.
We are happy to share the latest comprehensive Study in Greece Report, including the wide range of SiG’s activities and services, that will help you understand the major role of the organization in the internationalization of Greek higher education.
– Support of the internationalization and extroversion of the Greek Universities, by a wide range of activities, which include participation to international educational fairs, roadshows to international Universities, in order to promote the international study options Greece can provide. Collaboration with Greek and foreign Diplomatic Authorities, Educational Institutes, foundations and other Organizations to enhance the efforts.
– Provision of information on studying and living in Greece. The action places emphasis on the Greek universities’ programs available to international students – taught in English or other foreign languages. In addition, SiG is a unique hub of information, covering the Greek academic universe in its entirety, by providing information concerning: scholarships, educational and research activities, short-term programs, educational fairs, international distinctions of Greek academics and scholars, as well as practical information related to: accommodation, insurance, student’s communities, everyday survival, etc.
– Support and facilitation of the networking between the Greek and the international academic community – by organizing and promoting educational activities such as Study Abroad Programs, Summer/Winter Schools, summits, workshops, and conferences in collaboration with Greek Universities and other Educational Organizations, as well as by the set up of a communication framework.
– Promotion of Greek language and civilization – organization and promotion of Cultural Heritage Programs, Summer Schools & Greek language Courses.
– Consultation, by providing practical and technical advice to Higher Education Institutions, researchers and students.
– Development of electronic platforms, to fulfill the “one stop point” concept, like the “Apply To Study in Greece” – @SiG platform to support the online applications of international students, the scholarships information platform (in collaboration with the State Scholarships Foundation – IKY), platforms for accommodation and more.
– Promotion of the activities of the Greek Educational Institutes, such as Winter and Summer Schools, conferences, workshops, etc., as well as the activities of international Universities in terms of Study Abroad Programs in Greece, thus acting as a point of reference for this kind of information.
– Consultation during the planning process of the programs (helping with the itinerary, venues, lodging and transportation solutions, permissions related to museums, archaeological sites, etc.) and make the appropriate arrangements.
– Opportunities for creating contacts with Greek academics and educational organizations – always based on the program design and goals – (invite academics to teach courses, offer masterclasses, workshops, guest lectures, etc.).
– Working with Program Directors and Faculty to evaluate the programs and propose improvements in future cycles.
– Working with stakeholders to develop innovative Program components that will connect the goals and the curricula of the Programs with the modern culture, socio-economic situation, and every-day life in Greece.
– Developing side events that will support the outreach of each Program in the local/Greek community (e.g., every Program should have an open event or offer a workshop to students etc.).
– Designing community service-related activities.
– Adding and promoting the Programs through the SiG and additional portals.
– Providing support services for students such as pre-departure material, arrival meet-and-assist services, obtaining Greek telephone numbers, access to money, assistance to find accommodation, physiologic assistance, nutrition advice, etc.
Study in Greece provides information and support regarding studying and living in Greece.
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This research is co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund- ESF) through the Operational Programme «Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014-2020» in the context of the project “Study in Greece: Extroversion – Internationalization of Greek Universities (MIS 5071330).