Socrates met Confucius in Delphi

The Seeds of Virtue in Ancient Greece and China

From July 12 to 17, the summer course «The Seeds of Virtue in Ancient Greece and China» was held at the European Cultural Centre in Delphi. The course was organized by the University of Crete, and included a constellation of prominent scholars from Greek and international universities. The program offered intensive courses in ancient Greek and Chinese moral philosophy. Through a range of lectures, workshops and meaningful discussions, participants had the opportunity to examine and compare the ethical approaches developed in these two legendary philosophical traditions, as well as to understand and highlight their contributions to modern ethics and life.

In addition, participants were given the chance to embark on an exhilarating journey in one of the world’s most captivating sites, explore both ancient and modern Greek culture by engaging in cultural activities, and connect with fellow adventurers from around the globe.  

The action is part of the act “Promotion of the study of ancient Greek and Chinese culture” of the Operational Programme “Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning”, co-financed by Greece and European Union (European Social Fund – ESF).

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