Study in Greece at European Higher Education Virtual Fair 2022 India

On November 21, 23 and 25, Study in Greece participated in “European Higher Education Virtual Fair 2022 India – EHEVF 2022 India”, an event sponsored by the European Union which aims to connect Indian students with European Higher Education Institutions. During the event, prospective students from India had the opportunity to interact with representatives from European Universities and get information about study programs and student life, in order to choose their European study destination.

The three dates on which the event took place correspond to the three following themes:

  • November 21 was about the presentation of postgraduate programs in the academic disciplines of S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths).
  • November 23 was dedicated to postgraduate programs in the academic disciplines of Social Science, Management, Media, Liberal Arts and other similar subjects.
  • November 25 was about the presentation of undergraduate programs, in any academic discipline, for international students.

Study in Greece participation included video-webinar presentations as well as Q&A sessions and direct communication between SiG representatives and participants.

Here is a short analysis of the students’ interest for each of the days of the event:

November 21: SiG presented all relevant postgraduate programs offered by Greek Public Universities. S.T.E.M. students showed the most interest in the disciplines of Mathematics and Computer Science.

November 23: As on the first day, SiG presented all relevant postgraduate programs offered by Greek Public Universities, while students showed the most interest in Management programs. 

November 25: SiG presented all the three current English-taught undergraduate programs offered in Greece. Students showed interest in each of these, the most common interest was in the two Medical Degrees.

European Higher Education Virtual Fair – India offered SiG a great opportunity to showcase the wide range of study options, perspectives and benefits that make Greece an appealing destination for international students.

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