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Short-term Courses

Short-term courses

Short-term programs offered by Greek universities provide students from around the world a transformative educational and enriching cultural experience at Greece’s most prominent schools. By combining academic classes with a rich-array of cultural activities, Greek short-term programs offer international students the opportunity to choose from a wide range of courses, meet like-minded individuals and make new international friends and dive into Greek history & culture and contemporary society.

EnerTech Summer Academy 2024

The School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics of the University Center of International Programmes of Studies of  International Hellenic University (I.H.U.) in collaboration with the European Law

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Study in Greece Summer Schools 2024

Democracy: Ancient Perspectives − Modern Challenges

The 3rd International English-language Summer School, themed “Democracy: Ancient Perspectives − Modern Challenges,” was held by the Department of Philosophy at the University of Athens from July 15th to 26th, 2024. This academic event, overseen by Professor George Steiris and supported by Study in Greece, brought together students from the University of Kurdistan Hewlêr (UKH) and the University of Edinburgh, highlighting the collaborative agreements among these institutions. 

Study in Greece Summer Schools 2023

Human Rights Law, Policy and Practice: Britain, Greece and the EU

For the second year, Study in Greece in collaboration with the Department of Law at Goldsmiths University of London and academics from Greek universities co-organized the summer course on Human Rights Law, Policy and Practice: Britain, Greece and the EU. Focusing on some of the most crucial social and political issues of the modern world, the program was a fascinating combination of academic classes and cultural adventures that enabled participants to connect with the spirit and culture of Greece.

Seven Photos of Human Rights Law Policy and Practice Britain Greece and the EU Summer Program

Study in Greece Summer Schools 2022

Ancient Cities, Empires and the Modern World

Fruit of collaboration between Study in Greece and the School of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the summer school entitled «Ancient Cities, Empires and the Modern World» was focused on political thought and geopolitics.

Human Rights Law, Policy and Practice: Britain, Greece and the EU

Study in Greece in collaboration with the Department of Law at Goldsmiths University of London and academics from Greek universities co-organized the summer course on Human Rights Law, Policy and Practice: Britain, Greece and the EU. Focusing on some of the most crucial social and political issues of the modern world, the program was a fascinating combination of academic classes and cultural adventures that enabled participants to connect with the spirit and culture of Greece.

Voyage into Greek Civilization

The Voyage into Greek Civilization Summer Program which was organized by Study in Greece in collaboration with the Department of Classical Studies at Boston University and BU Philhellenes and the BA Program in the Archaeology, History and Literature of Ancient Greece at the School of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, lasted for a month and offered participants memorable experiences, including Greek language, Culture and Philosophy courses, cultural visits and excursions.


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