Seafarers in Ancient Greece Summer School

This exciting summer school focuses on various types of seafarers in ancient Greece, from pirates to sailors and colonizers. It explores their roles in mythical journeys, the colonization process, and naval battles from the Archaic to the Hellenistic age. Emphasis will be given to maritime religion, economy, and landscape. The program will also take advantage of the location of Corfu incorporating trips to islands and locations of sea-battles and inquiring about the role of ancient Corcyra in seafaring. Through a combination of in-class lectures and on-site teaching the students will be able to gain a deep understanding of the history of seafaring and to explore various aspects of the life of islanders in the ancient world. The students will also establish a good foundation in ancient Greek History, Art, and Religion.

The program will consist of everyday lectures by invited scholars, experts in the field, and of visits to sites, which will give the opportunity to the participants to experience the remains of seafaring activities on the island. The program is open to undergraduates in any field of the humanities, but MA students are also welcome to apply. In the latter case the requirements of the course will be adjusted accordingly. The participants will have full access to the library resources and facilities at the Ionian University. The program will offer 3 ECTS= 1,5 US Credits.  The cost of the program varies depending on the package you choose.

For more information please check the website or contact the coordinators at  

Deadline for applications May 1st 2023.

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