S.i.G. – REPORT EuroPosgrados Mexico 2021


On Wednesday November 10th, Study in Greece participated in the Europosgrados Mexico 2021, organized by FPP PRIVATE EVENTS, when we had the opportunity to present the wide range of study options offered by Greek Universities to students across Latin America.


During the event we were able to gather information on everyone who showed interest in our booth, specifically about the students’ age, the type of program and academic discipline they were interested in. Using the information we have gained, we can further understand the Latin American academic market.

Let us continue by presenting our data, starting with Age.

  • Age:




ANALYSIS: Continuing from the immediately previous research (G.S.A.F. SiG Report), this time we were exposed only in Latin America and, since all students were from the same region, we focused on studying the age of the participants instead. The majority of visitors were aged between 26-30 (57%) and 21-25 (24%) years old, while fewer were aged 31-35 (17%) and 16-20 (2%). As we will see below, the amounts of the ages also coincide with the program levels that the students wanted.

  • Level of Program:



ANALYSIS: As in the G.S.A.F., so in this exhibition, students had a plethora of options to choose from. Specifically, in addition to Bachelor’s and Master’s, there were also Doctorate/PhD, Summer/Short Course and many more, which are included under the “Other” item.

The Master’s programs (incl. MBA) excelled in number with 57%, followed by PhD with 13%, Bachelor’s with 7% and “Other” (incl. Summer/Short Course) with 23%. Understandably, the results are fully in line with this age classification.

  • Disciplines:

Humanities (incl. Art, Languages, Education)19%
Science & Engineering25%
Social Sciences (incl. Law and Media)15%
Computer Science & IT4%


ANALYSIS: Obviously, a quarter of the students were interested in Science & Engineering (25%), followed by Business (19%) and Humanities (19%) in the same percentage each, then Health (18%) and Social Studies (15%) with a small difference and, finally, Computer Science (4%).


The reality is that the present study does not have a first-come, first-served conclusion, but only supports our observations from previous research (see G.S.A.F. Sig Report). To be more specific:

  • Once again we note the need for more Doctorate/PhD’s and Summer/Short Courses to be organized by the Greek Academic Institutes (as we have pointed out before the benefits of Academic Tourism).
  • Same applies to scholarships. Again, more than 50% of the students we contacted with during the fair raised questions about scholarships. Therefore, let us repeat the need for more scholarship opportunities for international students, as well as the advantages, namely the addition of the element of competition, which will make the programs offered much more attractive, enhancing the promotion of their quality.

Apart from our above remarks, at this point we would like to emphasize the completeness of the Greek Universities, regarding the postgraduate programs. Since in this exhibition, most of the visitors were interested in postgraduate studies, we inform you that Greece presented opportunities that corresponded to the wishes of the extreme majority of students. Therefore, it is safe to say that Greek Universities, with the wide range of sciences they cover, can quickly become a competitive pillar in the global academic arena.


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