Professor Evangelia Georgitsoyanni presents the International Master’s Program “Sustainable Tourism Development: Heritage, Environment, Society”

Of great interest is the interview given to “Study in Greece” by Evangelia N. Georgitsoyanni, Deputy Director of the International Master Program (MSc) “Sustainable Tourism Development: Cultural Heritage, Environment, Society”, about the International Master’s Degree in Sustainable Tourism Development: Heritage, Environment, Society, and the internationalization of Greek higher education.

In a very apt way, Professor Evangelia Georgitsoyanni made a thorough presentation, as part of the Study in Greece web portal campaign for foreign language study programs at Greek universities. The Deputy Director of the Master Program accurately presented its subject and objectives, described the beneficial cooperation with the University of France and the University of the Aegean, and clarified its positive results so far.

 “Greece needs international students,” said Ms. Georgitsoyanni, “because they can both enrich Greek education with their own culture and become “ambassadors” of our country after returning to their homeland “.

On the other hand, he pointed out that equally important are the benefits for international students, from attending a Master’s degree program that combines two critical fields, tourism, and heritage.

It is with great pleasure that we quote the text of the Interview HERE

Information about the International Master Program (MSc):

The Program is implemented through the pioneer cooperation of three Universities, the Harokopio University of Athens (Department of Economics and Sustainable Development, Department of Geography, Department of Informatics and Telematics), the University of Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne (IREST – Institute for Research and Higher Studies in Tourism) and the University of the Aegean (Department of Business Administration).

The International Master Program (MSc) “Sustainable Tourism Development: Heritage, Environment, Society” launches its 4th year of operation and invites those interested to submit their candidacy for the academic year 2021 – 2022.

Information about the International Master Program (MSc) and the submission of applications is available at the following links: and


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