Online Workshop on International Marketing and Recruitment

Study in Greece has launched a series of innovative webinars and workshops to support Greek universities’ internationalization efforts and strategic marketing planning. The 1st Online Workshop on International Marketing and Recruitment, offered by the consulting team of Studyportals, was held on Tuesday November 22nd.

Participants from all Greek universities had the opportunity to explore the latest trends and developments in the global higher education marketplace and get useful advice and tips on international marketing, recruitment and promotion.

Study in Greece would like to warmly thank the trainers: Thijs Van Vugt, Director of Analytics and Consulting at Studyportals, Carmen Neghina, Deputy Director of the Studyportals Analytics and Consulting Team, and Tim Rogers, Associate of Studyportals Analytics and Consulting Team and Vice President and Director of Enrolment Management at The American University of Paris, for sharing their expertise during this insightful journey in the world of study abroad.

Many more fascinating events to come in the future.  

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