MSc Immersive Technologies – Call for applications

Second Round of applications for registration to the M.Sc. in Immersive Technologies – Innovation in Education, Training and Game Design of IHU ( 20 August 2023 – 20 September 2023 (2023-2024 Academic Year)

Join us for the following reasons:

  1. Available internationally via distance education
  2. Provides Professional skills in cutting-edge technologies
  3. No programming skills required
  4. Flexible attendance (Full time, Part-time, Non-program student)
  5. International Teaching Staff across EU
  6. Provides a full Pedagogical and Teaching Adequacy National Gazette 1758/11.04.2022
  7. Career opportunities for cooperation with international companies and researchers Via the IMT Network
  8. Offers immersive experiences via the IMT Metaverse Education Space where you are practicing your skills in Metaverse

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