Memorandum of Understanding between Harokopio University of Athens and Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA

Harokopio University has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA, one of the oldest US higher education institutions.

In light of their initial Memorandum of Understanding, dated 24 October 2016, which was due to expire, the Harokopio University and the Rutgers University determined to continue their collaboration within a new Memorandum, which follows the initial MoU.

Under this new MoU, which was signed at the beginning of October 2021, the two universities undertake to promote and provide for the exchange of scholars and professional staff, the development of cooperative efforts in research and scholarly publication, and the interchange of students.

Furthermore, there will be chances for each university to propose to the other one, specific individual research projects for collaboration, whilst they may develop and offer joint courses in teaching programs through innovative techniques and formats employed in the educational process.

Both universities will encourage the development of other sorts of scholarly activities of mutual interest, including collaborative research projects, the potential participation of students from the two institutions in such projects, and short-term visits by faculty members.

As part of its internationalization goals, Harokopio University continues to explore cooperatively avenues of interaction with high education institutions and further promote its well-established international presence.

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