Human Rights Law Summer Course Opening Event

On Monday, June 26, Harokopio University of Athens hosted the opening event of the summer program titled: Human Rights Law, Policy and Practice: Britain, Greece and the EU. Co-organized by the Department of Law at Goldsmiths University of London, Study in Greece, the British Council, and four Greek universities: Harokopio University of Athens, Athens University of Economics and Business, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, and the University of Macedonia, the program is taking place for the second straight year in Athens. The course includes various lectures and teaching sessions offered by distinguished Greek and international scholars, ranging from Law and Politics to Economics and Sociology. International participants will also have the opportunity to explore the Greek civilization, both ancient and modern, through a series of cultural activities, visits and guided tours at some of Greece’s most famous sites and museums, as well as to immerse themselves in the Greek culture and lifestyle through an array of extracurricular activities. 

During Monday’s kick-off event, the Rector of Harokopio University of Athens, Prof. Maria Nikolaidou welcomed the program’s international participants to Harokopio University, stressing the importance of this kind of initiatives for the outreach and internationalization of the Greek universities. The President of Study in Greece, Prof. Christos Michalakelis highlighted the value of international partnerships and collaborations which bring brilliant tangible outcomes like the current summer course, mutually beneficial for Greece and the UK. The program’s director, and Head of the Department of Law at Goldsmiths, Prof. Dimitris Giannoulopoulos provided an outline of the program, underlining the joint efforts of all participating institutions to achieve a high-quality academic and cultural program. Prof. Skiadas from the University of Macedonia focused on the critical role of collaborative initiatives like this in promoting and deepening academic and cultural ties between the Greek and international academic world. 

Supported by this constellation of charismatic scholars and prominent institutions, we will certainly have an exhilarating educational and cultural experience.

Stay tuned!

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