Distinguished accomplishments for the Harokopio University of Athens in the THE Rankings

The Harokopio University of Athens continues to follow an excellent path of progress, remaining among the top institutions at a national level and in a prominent position worldwide, according to the results reflected in the annual ranking “Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023”.

The University ranked at the third place among eighteen (18) Greek Institutions and in the 501-600 series worldwide, which is a major step of improvement and consolidates its multilevel academic action, reflecting the quality of its work in areas such as teaching, research, knowledge internationalization.

The fact that this year’s ranking gathered the largest number of participants worldwide, with 1,799 institutions from 104 countries/regions, further highlights the importance of its distinctions and indicates that the Harokopio University of Athens remains research-oriented and committed to its academic goals, serving the objectives of sustainable development and contributing to the enhancement of the quality of human life.

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