Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

English taught MA in Digital Media, Communication and Journalism

Since its establishment, in 1991, the School of Journalism and Mass Communications of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki offers full-time, four-year long BA degree programs both in Journalism and in Mass Communications. The creation of an English language Master’s program in the areas of Journalism and Communications, the first of its kind among Greek public Universities, is based on the School’s 25 year-long success in promoting learning through theory-building, cutting edge technical skills and professional training, and reflects its steadfast commitment to innovation, excellence, interdisciplinary education and international outlook.

We look for students who are eager to take on more challenges, to learn more about themselves and about the world, to reach their full potential. Our faculty, all active scholars and researchers, are committed to helping students succeed in their pursuits. Together we work to make each student’s experience at Aristotle University a rich and fulfilling one that broadens his or hers intellectual and professional horizons.

The structure of the MA program has been designed with a view to combine in-depth specialization with students’ freedom to select a set of courses that best matches their research and professional interests.

The following unique three pathways are offered

  1. Digital Media Culture and Communication, a unique pathway since it combines issues of digital media culture and communication for those ones interested to work on these issues.
  2. European Journalism, very competitive pathway for those that want to take a deeper understanding of issues regarding reporting Europe. Among the few ones offered in European level
  3. Risk Communication and Crisis Journalism, very competitive pathway among the few ones offered in European level. Crisis and Risk Communication and how to report and handle these situations.

Admissions Process and Dates

The application period for the MA in Digital Media, Communication and Journalism starts on the 1st of February of each year. The application platform will remain open till September 11. Once an application is complete, an applicant is notified in approximately one month of the decision. To begin the process, we recommend verifying you satisfy the entry requirements before accessing the online application form.

Entry Requirements

  1. The MA in Digital Media, Communication and Journalism accepts applicants from a variety of disciplines, namely Journalism, Communication, Advertising Marketing, Political, Social and Cultural Studies, Economics, Comparative, European and International Studies, History, Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Archaeology, History of Arts and Foreign Languages.
  2. Applicants must hold a degree from a Greek or a foreign university or advanced technological educational institute, at a 2.1 level or equivalent grade (eg. B, very good, etc).
  3. Professional or research experience relevant to the pathway you have applied for, will be taken into consideration, particularly in the case of pathways 2 & 3, that involve journalistic/ communication skills.

Engish Language Requirements

All teaching, course materials and coursework will be in English. Students whose native language is not English and/or whose principal language of university instruction was not English must provide evidence that they have sufficient command of both spoken and written English, which correspond at least to the level C1 of the Common European Framework (CEF) proficiency levels.

Specifically, acceptable evidence includes:

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