Χαροκόπειο Πανεπιστήμιο

MSc Sustainable Tourism Development: Heritage, Environment, Society / Harokopio University of Athens

International Master Program (MSc) in


Protocol Number: 93114/22.04.2021


The Departments of Economics and Sustainable Development, Geography and Informatics and Telematics of the Harokopio University of Athens, the Institute of Research and Higher Studies in Tourism (IREST) of the University of Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne, and the Department of Business Administration of the University of the Aegean, according to the 15th Special Interinstitutional Committee of 22.03.2021 and to the provisions of the article 34 of the Law 4485/2017, have decided and invite the interested parties from 26.04.2021 up to 11.09.2021 to apply for a total of sixty (60) postgraduate students in the International Master Program (MSc) entitled “Sustainable Tourism Development: Heritage, Environment, Society“. The Program focuses on the provision of high-level qualifications for professions related to Tourism Science and Heritage. In particular, it aims at the specialized training of postgraduate students in subjects related to:

  • Sustainable Development of Tourism
  • Cultural Tourism
  • Heritage Management and Marketing
  • Development and Management of Tourist Destinations
  • Economics of Tourism
  • Environmental Protection of Tourist Areas

HAROKOPIO UNIVERSITY – School of Environment, Geography and Applied Economics
Department of Economics and Sustainable Development
Master Program: “Sustainable Tourism Development: Heritage, Environment, Society
Main Building: El. Venizelou 70, GR 17676 Athens GREECE

The Master Program is a full-time program made up of two (2) academic semesters (12 months). Theoretical courses and seminars, lectures, elaboration of a Master’s Thesis, as well as implementation of an Internship or Empirical Project are provided. The Program’s instructors are members of the associate Departments and of the IREST. All courses are taught in English and are held at the premises of Harokopio University.

Indicative Curriculum:
No 1st Semester ECTS Credits
1 Geography of Tourism 5
2 Economics of Tourism 5
3 Research Methods 5
4 Sustainable Tourism 5
5 Heritage Management 5
6 Heritage Marketing 5
Total of ECTS Credits 1st Semester 30 ECTS

No 2nd Semester ECTS Credits
1 Tourism Development Plans 5
2 Destination Management 5
3 Heritage & Cultural Tourism 5
4 Internship or Empirical Project 5
5 Thesis 10
Total of ECTS Credits 2nd Semester 30 ECTS

Target Groups of applicants:
Graduates from Greek and foreign Universities or equivalent recognized foreign institutions, as well as graduates of the Greek Technical Institutions, may apply for this Program.
Additionally, students of the Greek Universities are admitted under the condition that they have fulfilled their obligations and will have submitted a certificate either after the deadline for submitting the supporting documents, or at least until the date of their registration.
Maximum number of admissions: 60

Applicants Selection Process:
The applicants’ selection process takes place through:
HAROKOPIO UNIVERSITY – School of Environment, Geography and Applied Economics
Department of Economics and Sustainable Development
Master Program: “Sustainable Tourism Development: Heritage, Environment, Society
Main Building: El. Venizelou 70, GR 17676 Athens GREECE
a. Application Folder
b. Personal interview and
c. Knowledge level of the English language.
Candidates are pre-selected on the basis of the application folder based on criteria such as the Degree grade, the level of English language knowledge, the possession of other Postgraduate Degrees, the professional and research experience, the publications in scientific journals and in conferences. Any interested person should submit the application and the file with its supporting documents to the Secretariat of the Master Program, within the time limits laid down in the call.
Pre-selected candidates will be invited to an interview. Upon completion of the interview process, the final candidates to be admitted to the Master’s Program will be selected.

Supporting Documents:
Applicants should fill-in the electronic application form through the online application portal: https://application.hua.gr/
In addition to the application form, applicants should also submit the following supporting documents:

  • A two-sided copy of the candidate’s ID (or passport).
  • Detailed curriculum vitae.
  • A copy of the candidate’s Undergraduate Degree certificate, with recognition of the Hellenic National Academic Recognition Information Center (NARIC – in Greek ΔΟΑΤΑΠ) for Degrees awarded by a foreign University. The relevant equivalence may be submitted after the enrollment of the candidate in the Master Program, but definitely before the completion of his/her studies and the award of the Postgraduate Degree.
  •  Certificate of studies with a Transcript of Records (TOR) of all undergraduate
    courses and the bachelor’s thesis.
  • Other copies of University or Technological Educational Institute Degrees and
    copies of Postgraduate Degrees (if any).
  • Certified copies of language certificates.
  • Copies of scientific publications or other scientific work (if any).
  • Employment experience certificates (if applicable).
  • Letters of recommendation (with the name, title, position, address and telephone of the author; at least one out of two letters of recommendation may be written by an academic professor). Letters of recommendation can be submitted electronically by the referees to the following email address:

Implementation of the Program:
HAROKOPIO UNIVERSITY – School of Environment, Geography and Applied Economics
Department of Economics and Sustainable Development
Master Program:Sustainable Tourism Development: Heritage, Environment, Society
Main Building: El. Venizelou 70, GR 17676 Athens GREECE
The Master Program will begin in the winter semester of the academic year 2021 – 2022 and will take place at Harokopio University. The attendance will be two to three afternoons a week (Monday to Friday).

Cost of Study:
The Master Program is self-financed and the total cost for each participant amounts to 4.500,00 €, which is paid in four (4) equal installments of 1.125,00 € each at the beginning and the end of each semester.

Submission of Application folder:
All interested parties are strongly advised to submit electronically the application form along with the supporting documents until 11.09.2021 through the following online application portal: https://application.hua.gr/
For more information, please contact us at +0030 2109549107 or e-mail us at
Website: http://www.tourismheritage.hua.gr/

The Deputy Director of the
Master Program
Professor Evangelia Georgitsoyanni

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