Current developments on financial crime, corruption and money laundering: European and international perspectives

5-10/7/21 Online

The Center for Education and Lifelong Learning of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki welcomes you to the Online Summer School “Current developments on financial crime, corruption and money laundering: European and international perspectives”, a 48.9-hour online live via synchronous video conferencing, so that the participants will have the chance to interact and participate in the discussion.

The aim of the programme is the organisation of a 6-day intensive online course that will focus on ongoing developments of key issues in combating international fraud, corruption and money laundering, international and European anti-fraud mechanisms and procedures, etc. The classes will focus, inter alia, on the directive on fraud against the EU financial interests, the Regulation on the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Criminal Law Anti-Money Laundering Directive, sanctions by the World Bank & other IFIs, offshore companies, cybermoney, corruption, asset recovery and confiscation, the developments towards an E-Evidence Regulation, tax crime etc.

The purpose of the programme is to enhance the knowledge of its participants in the relevant fields, which are taught by distinguished professors from foreign universities, professors, lecturers and doctors of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, as well as the head of criminal law unit of the European Commission. The summer school aims, apart from deepening the knowledge of the participants in its subjects, to promote the scientific dialogue between law students and young scientists from different countries of the world, with the support of professors from leading European Universities.

The Director of the Programme is Maria Kaiafa-Gbandi, Professor, Law Faculty, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Department of Criminal Law & Criminology.

Applications until June 30 at

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