Professor Spyridon Kintzios
Vice Rector of Research, Finance and Development
Professor Thomas Bartzanas
Vice Rector of the European University, Internationalization and Student Affairs
Professor Helen Miliou
Vice Rector of Academic and Administrative Affairs, Lifelong Learning and Extroversion
Professor Emmanouil Flemetakis
Department Of Crop Science
Established: since 1989
Location: Iera Odos 75, Votanikos Athens
Website: http://efp.aua.gr/en
Telephone: +30 210 5294524
Department of Forestry and Natural Environment Management, in the Regional Unit of Evrytania
Established: since 2019
Location: Dimokratias 3, Karpenisi
Website: under current construction
Telephone: +30 22370-23282, +30 22370-25063
Department Of Animal Science
Location: Iera Odos 75, Votanikos Athens
Website: http://zp.aua.gr/en-gb/home/
Telephone: +30 210 529 4414, +30 210 529 4426
Department of Natural Resources Development & Agricultural Engineering
Location: Iera Odos 75, Votanikos Athens
Website: http://www.afp.aua.gr/?page_id=4783&lang=en
Telephone: +30 210 529 4122
Department Of Food Science And Human Nutrition
Established: since 2013
Location: Iera Odos 75, Votanikos Athens
Website: http://fst.aua.gr/en
Telephone: +30 210 529 4664
Department Of Biotechnology
Established: since 1989
Location: Iera Odos 75, Votanikos Athens
Website: http://gbt.aua.gr/index_en.html
Telephone: +30 210 529 4662, +30 210 529 4363
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
School:School of Applied Economics and Social Sciences
Location: Iera Odos 75, Votanikos Athens
Website: http://www.aoa.aua.gr/en/Default.aspx/
Telephone: +30 210 529 4742
Department of Agribusiness and Supply Chain Management
Established: since 2019
Location: 1st km of Old national road of Thebes-Elefsina, Thebes in the Regional Unit of Boeotia
Website: https://agribusiness.aua.gr/en/home/
Telephone: +30 22620 22569
Department of Regional and Economic Development, in the Regional Unit of Phocis
Established: since 2019
Location: New Building – New Town Amfissa
Website: https://w1.aua.gr/poa/en/home/
Telephone: +30 22650 72268
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This research is co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund- ESF) through the Operational Programme «Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014-2020» in the context of the project “Study in Greece: Extroversion – Internationalization of Greek Universities (MIS 5071330).