Albert Bourla:The Greek scientist who gave hope to the world

It has only been 1 day since the American pharmaceutical corporation Pfizer announced that they have successfully developed a vaccine against coronavirus which is about 90% effective. What is very intriguing is that Mr. Albert Bourla from Thessaloniki is the CEO and chairman of Pfizer. It has to be mentioned that Mr. Albert Bourla is regarded as a mastermind in the field of global pharmaceutical industry. He studied veterinary at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and completed his completed his doctoral dissertation regarding the biotechnology of reproduction at the same university. In 1993 Dr. Albert Bourla decided to leave Greece for the United States of America permanently. Now he lives with his family in New York.

Undoubtedly this astonishing achievement brings new data to the fight against Covid-19 and the whole world is very proud. Albert Bourla and by extension Pfizer deserve congratulations for their work and we hope to see further progress soon.

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