The Centre for Training and Lifelong Learning (K.E.DI.VI.M) of the University of Crete organises course with title: Advanced mini-Fellowship in Refractive Surgery. (Module1/Theoretical)
Τhe programme will be conducted by Asynchronous Distance Learning.
Scientific Director : Ioannis Pallikaris
Αcademic coordinator: Sophia Panagopoulou
Advanced mini-Fellowship in Refractive Surgery. (Module1Theoretical)
In ophthalmology, refractive surgery is used to correct the refractive errors of an eye and decrease or eliminate the dependency of glasses or contact lenses. This can include various methods of surgical reshaping of the cornea, lens implantation or lens replacement.
The thorough and scientific preoperative evaluation is one of the most important parameters for the success of a refractive operation. The goal of every refractive surgeon is optimum refractive outcomes.
The increasing demand of high edge technology increases the necessity for highly skilled eye professionals.
In our days the optimization of the whole refractive procedure with targeted use of high edge diagnostic technology is mandatory for successful refractive outcomes.
The Laboratory was founded by Em. Professor of Ophthalmology I. Pallikaris and is one of the most renowned ophthalmology research centers in Greece with international distinctions and activity.
The course offers a range of the latest advanced technologies and methods in refractive surgery optimization, through meticulous presentations from eminent scientists in refractive surgery.
The knowledge that will be provided is on advances in refractive surgery techniques and especially on a better understanding of how the target refraction matches the patients’ needs, with emphasis on Psycho-physiological aspects of the vision.
Additionally, new technologies will be presented for the optimization of the surgical results by means of scientific interpretations and customization according to the patients’ needs, satisfaction, and visual disturbances. The course offers ophthalmologists, optometrists, and vision scientists the possibility to explore improved methods in diagnosis, correction, and postoperative evaluation in the field of refractive surgery.
Who it is aimed at: Ophthalmologists, Optometrists and Vision Scientists
Teaching hours: 300
Released: On demand
Duration: 5 months
Scientific Cordinator: I. Pallikaris
Cost: 500 € (Participation cost for Module 1: 500 Euros | Participation cost for Module 2 will be announced)
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