1st Conference of the Association of European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology (EQuiP) – “Creating bridges”

“Creating bridges” is the 1st Conference of the Association of European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology (EQuiP) and is co-organised by the Laboratory of Psychology (Department of Early Childhood Education, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Thessaly, Greece) and the Laboratory of Applied Psychology (School of Psychology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece). The conference will take place from 16-19 June 2021, in Thessaloniki, Greece.

The 1st conference of EQuiP aims to provide a venue for bringing together qualitative researchers in psychology from different European countries and from different traditions in qualitative inquiry. EQuiP was recently established with the aim to create bridges between qualitative researchers across Europe, particularly enhancing the visibility of researchers from under-represented European countries in qualitative research in psychology. EQuiP’s first conference sets the cornerstones towards creating such bridges.

Like Europe, qualitative research in psychology constitutes a lively and colourful, at times conflicting, terrain with a mixture of different traditions from diverse historical origins, political and cultural contexts of applications. The challenge and aim for EQuiP’s first conference is to provide a space for celebrating diversity and creativity while fostering multiplicity, scholarly exchange and inclusion rather than demarcation and exclusion. In doing so, it further aims at bringing to the fore the valuable contribution that each of the various qualitative research traditions can make to advance the field of psychology.

Read more: https://www.equip2021.gr/

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